
1.Data Analytics
2.Text Mining
3.Information Retrieval
4.Semantic Enrichment
5.Intelligent Interface Design
6.Social Science
7.Personalization/User Modeling
8.Recommendation System


  • 國立中山大學學士, 2002/06
  • 國立台灣大學碩士, 2004/06
  • 美國亞歷桑那大學碩士, 2006/12
  • 美國匹茲堡大學博士, 2013/12


  • 國立中山大學資訊管理學系, 助理教授, 2014/02-2017/01
  • 美國匹茲堡大學資訊科學系, Instructor, 2013/08-2013/12
  • 美國匹茲堡大學資訊科學系, 助教, 2007/08-2013/06
  • 美國亞歷桑那大學資訊管理學系, 研究助理, 2006/01-2006/12
  • Microsoft Taiwan, Consultant, 2004-2005


  • 第八屆溫世仁服務科學研究新苗獎


  1. Lin, Y., Brusilovsky, P., & He, D., Finding Cultural Heritage Images through a Dual-Perspective Navigation Framework, Information Processing & Management, 2016
  2. Lin Y.,Trattner C.,Brusilovsky P., and He D., The Impact of Image Descriptions on User Tagging Behavior: A Study of the Nature and Functionality of Crowdsourced Tags, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Vol.66, No.9, 2015, pp.1785-1798
  3. Pelechrinis, K., Zadorozhny, V., Kounev, V., Oleshchuk, V., Anwar, M., and Lin, Y., Automatic Evaluation of Information Provider Reliability and Expertise, World Wide Web Journal, 2013, pp.1-40
  4. Lin, Y., Brusilovsky, P.,& He, D. , Improving Self-Organizing Information Maps as Navigational Tools: A Semantic Approach, Online Information Review , Vol.35, No.3, 2011, pp.401-424 [file download]
  5. Li, X., Chen, H., Dang, Y. Lin, Y., Larson, CA., & Roco, M.C, A longitudinal analysis of nanotechnology literature: 1976-2004, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol.10, No.1, 2008, pp.3-22 [file download]
  6. Chen, H., Roco, C. M., Li, X. & Lin, Y. , Trends in nanotechnology patents, Nature Nanotechnology, Vol.3, No.3, 2008, pp.123-125 [file download]
  7. Li, X., Lin, Y., Chen, H. & Roco, M.C, Worldwide Nanotechnology Development: A Comparative Study of USPTO, EPO, and JPO Patents (1976-2004), Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol.9, No.6, 2007, pp.977-1002


  1. Hsiao, I-H. Kumar, S.P.G. & Lin, Y. , Semantic Visual Analytics for Today’s Programming Courses., The 6th International Analytics & Knowledge Conference, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 25~ 29 2016
  2. Yang, Y.-C., Lin, Y.-L., & Chao, W. S. , A Structure-Behavior Coalescence Method For Human-Computer Interaction System Requirements Specification, HCI International (HCII 2016), Toronto, Canada, 2016
  3. Yang, Y.-C., Lin, Y., & Chao, W. S. , An Architecture-Oriented Design Method For Human-Computer Interaction Systems, HCI International , Los Angeles, CA, USA., 2015
  4. Lin, Y., Brusilovsky, P., & He, D. , Finding images through a dual-perspective navigation framework. , The second Taiwan Summer Workshop on Information Management, Kaohsiung, Taiwan., 1~ 3 2014
  5. Chang, Te-Min, Wen-Feng Hsiao, and Yi-Ling Lin, LDA-based Group Document Recommendation, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Chendu, China, 24~ 28 2014
  6. Brusilovsky, P., Lin, Y., Wongchokprasitti, C., Britell, S., Delcambre, L. M. L., Furuta, R., Chiluka, K., Cassel, L. N., and Fox, E. , Social Navigation Support for Groups in a Community-Based Educational Portal., TPDL, Valletta, Malta, 22~ 26 2013, pp.429-433 [file download]
  7. Lin, Y. & Aroyo, L. , Interactive curating of user tags for audiovisual archives, Proceedings of the 2012 Advanced visual interfaces (AVI 2013), Capri island (Naples), Italy., 2013
  8. Trattner, C., Lin, Y., Parra, D., Yue, Z., & Brusilovsky, P. , Evaluating Tag-Based Information Access in Image Collections, Hypertext and hypermedia, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 25~ 28 2012 [file download]
  9. Lin, Y. & Aroyo, L. , Interactive curating of user tags for audiovisual archives, Advanced visual interfaces, Capri island, Naples, Italy, 22~ 25 2012 [file download]
  10. Lin, Y., Bai, X., Ye, Y., & Real, W. , Constructing narratives using fast feedback, iConference, Toronto, ON, Canada, 7~ 10 2012, pp.486-487 [file download]
  11. Lin, Y. and Brusilovsky,P, Towards open corpus adaptive hypermedia: a study of novelty detection approaches, User modeling, adaption, and personalization, Girona, Spain, 11~ 15 2011, pp.353-358 [file download]
  12. Lin, Y., Ahn, J., Brusilovsky, P., He, D., and Real, W. , ImageSieve: Exploratory Search of Museum Archives with Named Entity-Based Faceted Browsing, American Society for Information Science and Technology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 22~ 27 2010 [file download]
  13. Yue, Z., Harpale, A., He, H., Grady, J., Lin, Y., Walker, J., Gopal, S., & Yang, Y. , CiteEval for Evaluating Personalized Social Web Search., SIGIR, Boston, MA, USA, 19~ 23 2009 [file download]
  14. Hsiao, I., Li, Q. and Lin, Y., Educational Social Linking in Example Authoring, Hypertext and hypermedia, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 19~ 21 2008, pp.229-230 [file download]
  15. Hsiao, I. & Lin, Y. , Cyber Java Monopoly: Game-based approach of collaborative programming language learning, iConference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 28~ 1 2008
  16. Hsiao, I., Lin. Y., Li. Q. & Wang. H., Educational Mashup in Example Authoring, ICCE, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 27~ 31 2008 [file download]
  17. Yue, Z., Walker, J., Lin, Y., & He, D. , Pitt@TREC08: An Initial Study of Collaborative Information Behavior in E-Discovery, Text REtrieval Conference, 2008


  1. 以健康保健Q&A社群為主之推薦回復者機制
    -MOST 104-2410-H-110-035 , 主持人, 2015-8-1-2016-7-31
  2. 以雙觀點導航架構提升圖像可查性:眼動追蹤用戶研究
    -MOST 103-241-H-110-009, 主持人, 2014-5-1-2015-7-31


  1. 利用文字探勘演算法開發腎毒性資料庫
    -國立中山大學與高雄醫學大學合作研究計畫委托, 主持人, 2016-1-1-2016-12-31
  2. 日月光輿情分析與監督技術之研發
    -日月光半導體製造股份有限公司委托, 協同主持人, 2015-1-1-2015-12-31


104管理資訊系統專案(二) 3
系統分析與設計 3
WEB 程式設計3
管理資訊系統專案(一) 3


104資訊系統管理 (Internation Business課程)3

